How to Install Zabbix Server 3.4 on Debian 9/8/7


Zabbix is an open source software for networks and application monitoring. Zabbix provides agents to monitor remote hosts as well as Zabbix includes support for monitoring via SNMP, TCP and ICMP checks. Click here to know more about zabbix.

This article will help you to step by step install Zabbix on Debian 9/8/7 Systems. If you are using CentOS, RHEL or Fedora then Click here to install Zabbix on CentOS, RHEL or Fedora

Step 1 – Setup LAMP Stack

You must have LAMP environment on your server to use Zabbix server. If you already have LAMP configured, just skip this step, else install Apache, MySQL, and PHP using the following commands.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install apache2
sudo apt-get install mysql-server
sudo apt-get install php php-mbstring php-gd php-xml php-bcmath php-ldap php-mysql

Update timezone in php configuration file /etc/php/PHP_VERSION/apache2/php.ini. Like below:

date.timezone = 'Asia/shanghai'

Step 2 – Configure Apt Repository

Before installing Zabbix first configure Zabbix package repository in your system using following commands. Use commands as per your operating system.

For Debian 9:
wget dpkg -i zabbix-release_3.4-1+stretch_all.deb
For Debian 8:
wget dpkg -i zabbix-release_3.4-1+jessie_all.deb
For Debian 7:
wget dpkg -i zabbix-release_3.4-1+wheezy_all.deb

Step 3 – Install Zabbix Server

After adding Zabbix repository in your system use following command to install Zabbix server. Here zabbix-server-mysql package includes Zabbix server with MySQL support. The zabbix-frontend-php package provides and web interface is written in PHP for the Zabbix server management

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install zabbix-server-mysql zabbix-frontend-php

Step 4 – Create Database Schema

Now create a database schema for your Zabbix server. Login to your MySQL server using administrative privileges and use the following queries to create MySQL database and user for the Zabbix server.

mysql -u root -p

mysql> CREATE DATABASE zabbixdb;
mysql> GRANT ALL on zabbixdb.* to zabbix@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'password';

Also, load the Zabbix database schema to the database created above.

cd /usr/share/doc/zabbix-server-mysql
zcat create.sql.gz | mysql -u root -p zabbixdb

Step 5 – Edit Zabbix Configuration File

Edit Zabbix server configuration file /etc/zabbix/zabbix_server.conf in your favorite text editor and update the following database configurations. This will be used by Zabbix server to connect to the database.


Step 6 – Restart Apache and Zabbix

Zabbix creates its own apache configuration file /etc/zabbix/apache.conf and make a link to Apache configuration directory. Let’s use the following command to restart Apache service.

sudo service apache2 restart

Zabbix server configuration file are located at /etc/zabbix/zabbix_server.conf. Restart Zabbix server.

sudo service zabbix-server restart

After starting the Zabbix service, let’s go to Zabbix web installer and finish the installation.

Step 7 – Run Zabbix Web Installer

Zabbix web installer can be accessed on /zabbix subdirectory URL on your servers IP or domain. For example, is pointed to my Zabbix server. Now access the Zabbix using the following URL. You must change FQDN as per your setup.


and follow the steps as per given screenshots below.

Zabbix Setup Welcome Screen

This is the welcome screen of Zabbix web installer. Go forward by click on next button.

Check for pre-requisities

Check if your system has all required packages, if everything is ok click next.

Configure DB Connection

Enter database details created in Step #4 and click next to continue.

Zabbix Server Details

This is the host and port of running Zabbix server. As your Zabbix server is running on the same host, so keep the values unchanged. You can give a name for your instance.

Pre-Installation Summary

In this step will show the summary you have entered the previous steps, so simply click next.

Install Zabbix

If everything goes correctly, You will see a successful installation message on this page. This will also show you a message for the created configuration file.

Zabbix Login Screen

Login to Zabbix using default credentials.

 Username:  Admin
 Password:  zabbix

After successful login, You will get Zabbix dashboard like below.

Congratulation! Your Zabbix setup has been completed. Read our next article to Install Zabbix Agent and Add Host in Zabbix Server.




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